Tuesday, March 10, 2015


When someone takes a book to read and review we are asked often "what if I don't like the book" and we ask that they write a review anyway; not everyone likes the same books and it's good to have a mix of reviews.  So, here's one of the "I didn't like it......." reviews.

In some ways Hades is typical of a first novel, the author is trying to put all her ideas about crime, police and medical malpractice into one hotchpotch of a novel.
The police are tough, the victims are vulnerable for multitudes of reasons, there is only one likeable character.  It is a crime noir book, horrifying and nasty.  On occasion Fox excuses the reactions of her characters to ugly events by putting it down to their continual exposure to such events. How could they retain normal human responses when dealing daily with drug addicts, psychopaths and criminals.
The writing is irritating with several words used incorrectly and some phrases repeated that are inappropriate, for example Frank smirks, an unusual facial expression for a seasoned cop, and he does is often.
I didn’t like the book from beginning to end.  However, for those of you who like to read about dissected bodies, psychopaths, and mean cops it might be a treat.  

Thanks to Mary Ellis for an honest review.

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