Friday, August 14, 2015


Each August for the last couple of years we have had the pleasure of hosting a program in conjunction with our local community radio station 3mFM for the National Reading Hour.  

In 2012, Australian libraries, library associations and booksellers came together behind the National Year of Reading.  There were more than 4,000 events, $5.6 million in in-kind support, $26 million-worth of media coverage, much of it highlighting the fact that nearly half the population struggles without the literacy skills to meet the most basic demands of everyday life and work. They identified at the time there were 46% of Australians who can't read newspapers; follow a recipe; make sense of timetables, or understand the instructions on a medicine bottle.  Following on from the success of the National Year of Reading campaign, the 15 founder partners decided to carry forward the Love2read brand into 2013 and 2014, making the most of the momentum that had been created during the National Year of Reading.  And now in 2015 the project is still new and still effective.

Our program goes to air on Saturday 15th at 5.00pm, various libraries around the country will hold their reading hour on Tuesday 18th between 6pm and 7pm and booksellers will conduct events throughout this coming week.

Tune your dial on Saturday to 88.1, 89.1, 89.5 or online at for the program streamed live, as we talk about the importance of books to children with learning difficulties. 

Here's a link to a great video highlighting the importance of reading.  Hope you enjoy it as much as we did.


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