Monday, December 13, 2010
A Video of 'Quay'
We featured this cookbook early in the year and now Murdoch Books has sent us a link to a video showing how beautiful a cookbook can be. I hope you enjoy.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
The Millenium Trilogy DVD

What do you remember most about the three books? What impressed you about the way they were written? If you were recommending this trilogy to someone what would you tell them? The review you write can be two of three paragraphs (or more if there's more you want to say) it's the first three reviews that arrive at the bookshop that will receive the DVDs.
You can submit the review at the counter at the bookshop, by mail, by email or submit it direct to our website ( The review needs to cover the three books and remember to include contact details with your submission. Start writing!!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Christmas Decoration Making December 4th, 2010

We kick off at 10.00am and will throw the last tired parent out around 1.00pm. So if you're in the area and you have a small child with you (no entry without one) we'd love to see you. That's Saturday, December 4th.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Shopping After Dark - November 2010
We've held our Shopping After Dark for three years now and we're looking forward to doing it again. It's on Thursday, November 25th from 7.00pm to 8.30pm. There will be a glass of wine and some nibbly cheese for our customers. It would be great to see you there. Click here for your invitation. And if it all gets too much for you there's always the red couch to slump upon!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Patrick Morgan - 'Foothill Farmers'

'Foothill Farmers' analyses imaginative works relating to exploration, Aborigines, squatting, selection, mining, timber-getting, war and other topics. There is a bibliography included listing 80 authors and 130 books.
This is the second book for Patrick Morgan who published 'The Settling of Gippsland: A Regional History' in 1988 which won the Victorian Community History Award in 1998. 'Foothill Farmers' was launched on October 22nd at the Monash University Auditorium at Churchill, by writer Chester Eagle.
Click here for a copy of the flyer for the book signing.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Recipes From Murdoch Press
True to her promise Marianne from Murdoch has sent me a couple of great recipes from two of their latest cook books. Take a look and see if what you cook looks anything like what these chefs cook. The first is from 'My Party' by Pete Evans and 'Quay' by Peter Gilmore. You can download both of these pdf files and enjoy.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Saturday, October 23rd Chonyi Taylor

Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Chonyi Taylor - Book Signing

I'm very pleased to report there has been great interest in the book ENOUGH! by Chonyi Taylor. We will have the pleasure of Chonyi's presence on Saturday, October 23rd at 11 am to sign copies of her book. If you can't be here, let us know and we'll put a copy of her book aside to be signed for you and it can be picked up later in the week.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Chonyi Taylor

Chonyi Taylor was ordained as a Buddhist nun by the Dalai Lama in 1995. Active in the worlds of both Buddhism and Western psychology, she teaches Buddhism from simple to advanced levels and participates in interfaith conferences and workshops for psychologists and health professionals. Her book 'Enough!: A Buddhist Approach to Finding Release from Addictive Patterns' is straight forward, no holds barred, easy to read information. Don't think this book is only for those who suffer from drug or alcohol addiction, it is in effect for anyone with habitual patterns of any nature. It's a practical ste-by-step guide to finding freedom from addiction and compulsion.
We're very pleased that Chonyi will be at the bookshop on Saturday, October 23rd to talk about her book and to sign copies. Read more about the book here.
Visit Chonyi's website.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Murdoch Books - 365 Good Reasons to Sit Down to Eat

This book by Stephane Reynaud has some wonderful recipes and I'm going to share one of them with you. The team at Murdoch Books are taking up the challenge to cook all 365 of the recipes. I'll let you know how they go. Thanks to Marianne for the information she constantly sends me. Here's the link for the recipe which is November 11, one day before my birthday!
Murdoch Books - Grillhouse

My contact at Murdoch Books, Marianne, has alerted me to the fact that I can get some recipes from a couple of their latest books on to our blog............we'll to give you the link. Here's the first of them from a wonderful new title "Grillhouse" by Ross Dobson. And this is what the book looks like. I wouldn't mind feedback on how well (or not) this works.
Liz Dunoon
'Helping Children with Dyslexia' is a book that has been a long time coming. Liz Dunoon came to our notice because she is proactive and rather than wait for the distributor to make contact with us about her book, she did. Visit her website and look at what is being done to help children and adults. Here's the link.
Dr Ann Dettrick
This coming Thursday (September 9th at 11 am) we will have Dr Dettrick in the bookshop to sign copies of her new book. 'A History of Medicine in Gippsland' is a very interesting collection of stories about doctors and nurses in the Gippsland area from the early 1800s to the early 1900s. Anyone interested in the history of this area will be in for a good read.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Gardenia's Garden
A young friend at Kinglake is in the process of rebuilding her garden after the Black Saturday fires and she has developed a blog so her friends and family can watch her success. I felt it would be alright to tell you about this on our blog. Here's the link.
Let her know you are watching.
Let her know you are watching.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Avid Reader - Tom

Monday, August 23, 2010
Chrissie Michaels - Book Signing

Monday, August 16, 2010
Liz Rushen - Book Signing - August 14, 2010

Monday, August 9, 2010
August Book Signings
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Genevieve Moore

Thanks to all our guest authors for this year. We will do this again in 2011, perhaps under a new name, so watch this space.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Cheryl Glowrey
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Ray Smithies

Thursday, July 15, 2010
Arron Wood

Monday, July 5, 2010
Dr Sue Turnbull
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Twilight Talks - Authors and Dates

Sue Turnbull is an Associate Professor in Media Studies at La Trobe University where she teaches about popular culture, television and media audiences. She has been a co-convenor of Sisters in Crime Australia since 1992 and has published extensively on crime fiction and its readers. She is currently writing a book on the television crime drama for Edinburgh University Press. Sue is also chief crime fiction reviewer for The Sydney Morning Herald and has been a judge for the Age and currently the Victorian Premier’s Literary Awards.
As for books, Sue says she has four in the pipeline – including one on Australian Screen.
Arron Wood has spent most of his life growing up in the country on a billabong. A keen sportsman, Arron's family has strongly influenced his appreciation for the environment and education. His dedication to the environment has won him a number of national and international environmental awards. He was winner of the 2006 United Nations Individual Award for Outstanding Service to the Environment and the 2001 Young Australian of the Year (National Environment Winner) and Prime Minister’s Environmentalist of the Year Award. Arron's commitment to the environment was covered on ABC's Australian Story in 2004 and he hosted Channel Seven documentary Our Water, Our future which aired in 2005.
His book ‘The Billabong Boy’ was published in June 2010.

Ray Smithies was born in Melbourne and when he was a child the family moved to Wangaratta in northeast Victoria, where they lived for the next twenty years before Ray moved back to the city. He now lives near the wine/grazing district of the Yarra Valley with his wife Pauline, two sons and a daughter. Ray writes in his spare time and particularly enjoys delving into the criminal side of life with its combination of mystery and adventure. He enjoys visiting the diverse country side of the Gippsland hills and coastal seascapes, an interest that is reflected in his work. Ray has also taken an active interest in sports medicine and is a qualified sports therapist. He has lectured to triathlon and various sporting groups on the subject of injury treatment and prevention. He devotes time to assist charitable groups and organisations in diagnoses and hands-on therapy. His book ‘Scorpio’s Lot’ was published in September 2009

Cheryl Glowrey is a well known Foster identity, besides being a published author she is also the Principal of South Gippsland Secondary College. Cheryl spent her childhood on dairy farms in South Gippsland and has a strong interest in the local environment. She has a Masters in Letters in Australian History and has written about the declining hill communities of South Gippsland. In late 2009 Cheryl republished ‘Snake Island & The Cattlemen of The Sea’ which was first published in 2000. This book is an extension of her interests and is the forerunner of further writing about life in Gippsland. We are waiting with interest for the next book on the history of Corner Inlet which is at the early stages of writing.

Genevieve Moore now lives in Foster after a move from Melbourne in recent years. As well as recently publishing her first children’s picture book, Genevieve has been an improvisational performer, voice-over artist, radio announcer and human resources consultant. Genevieve now has a small business which will keep her in this area for some time to come. We’re hoping there will be another children’s book in the not too distant future.
Genevieve’s book ‘Catherine’s Story’ published January 2010 is based on her niece, who as an infant, suffered from a kind of epilepsy known as infantile spasms or West Syndrome This left the child with profound and multiple learning disabilities. She’s not able to understand much of what is said to her, is unable to speak or walk without support and unable to perform any of the activities of daily living. The story book shows how all the things that make Catherine different also make her special.
Winners and Runners Up of The Tea Cosy Competition
Winners and Runner Up of the Novelty Category
The judges weren't able to choose between these two tea cosies, so we have two winners.
Fleur Wheeler (Sea Urchin) and Jenny Renshaw (Ho Ho Ho)
The Runner Up is Lyn Paterson (Fifi)
Winner and Runner Up of the Traditional Category
Shirley Westaway (A Bling Thing)
The Runner Up is Linda McMullen (Cosy Chick)
The judges weren't able to choose between these two tea cosies, so we have two winners.
Fleur Wheeler (Sea Urchin) and Jenny Renshaw (Ho Ho Ho)
The Runner Up is Lyn Paterson (Fifi)
Winner and Runner Up of the Traditional Category
Shirley Westaway (A Bling Thing)
The Runner Up is Linda McMullen (Cosy Chick)
Monday, June 21, 2010
The Last of The Tea Cosies

This is the 'Bling Thing' and it's the handy work of Shirley Westaway. When you see it in the flesh (so to speak) it has glitter and shine, pity this hasn't shown up in the photo.
Friday, June 11, 2010
More Tea Cosies!!
Here are some more of those tea cosies of the really wild kind. We are getting close to the end of the competition and I'm told there's a number of these little fellows still to come.
The photo doesn't do this any justice it's another Tania Pell and we called it Pretty Ribbons.

Remember Connie Arnup? Her previous tea cosie was called Slightly Pom, she's come up with another one and we've named it Just Trad, 'cause it is.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Loani Prior
One of the things I failed to mention in previous posts is that the Wild Tea Cosy competition was inspired by Loani Prior's wonderful books. 'Wild Tea Cosies' and 'Really Wild Tea Cosies'. You can see a wonderful array of tea cosies on her blog. We're working towards a blog as colourful and entertaining as Loani's.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Here's another posting of Wild Tea Cosies for our competition. We hope you enjoy looking at them. As more comes in we'll set them up on the blog.

I'd like to present a wonderful, traditional tea cosy called 'Slightly Pom', I don't think our photograph does it justice. It has been entered by Connie Arnup who is 94 years old!! There's another one from Connie that we'll add in to a later post.
This is another entry by Barbara Moon, 'Cosy Christmas' is its name. Barbara tells me that the decorations on the sides are removable if you wanted to use them for Christmas tree decorations. Where do these creative people get their ideas??
I'd like to present a wonderful, traditional tea cosy called 'Slightly Pom', I don't think our photograph does it justice. It has been entered by Connie Arnup who is 94 years old!! There's another one from Connie that we'll add in to a later post.
This is 'Miss Prissy' and I'm glad I'm not judging these tea cosies because I have a soft spot for this little lady. Leonie Margetts let us have this one for the judging, although I'm not sure we'll be selling it when the competition is over.
Tania Pell is responsible for this tea cosy and his name is 'Little Imp', we have two more of Tania's cosies out the back and when time permits we'll post those as well. This is the one that's in the window at the moment.
This little lady 'Fifi' came all the way from Healesville to Foster for the competition and her 'owner' is Lyn Paterson. A bit difficult to see in the photo, but 'Fifi' has a long pink tongue that reaches to her nose.
Monday, May 24, 2010
We thought a blog would be a great way to keep our customers and friends aware of what's happening at Foster's Little Bookshop. These are photos of the first of the entries for the Wild Tea Cosy competition that runs until June 24th. Hope you enjoy seeing them as much as we are when receiving them.
This is an entry from Fleur Wheeler, 'Sea Urchin'. Fleur said when she started making the tea cosy she couldn't was like eating peanuts!! Fleur is away overseas at the moment and tells me when she returns there is another cosy in the pipeline.
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